SEN & Disability Provision
SEN & Disability Provision
Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)
At Middlefield Community Primary School, we embrace the fact that every child is different, and therefore the educational needs of every child varies. This is certainly the case for children with special educational needs and disabilities.
Many children may have some form of additional needs at some point during their education. This is not to say that these children will be performing below age related expectation academically in every instance. Additional needs may be related to health, emotions, behaviour or learning. We aim to identify and address these needs through our school’s inclusive practice.
Key Contacts
The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Wood. She can be contacted via the numbers below.
Tel 0151 486 4106
Mob 07593549845
Our SEND governor is Julie McCann.
The SENCo ensures that all staff follow the SEND Code of Practice to support the needs of our pupils. This may be provided through carefully differentiated work, additional support by an adult in a small group, one to one teaching time with a Teaching Assistant or using specialist services from outside the school.
Work with Outside Agencies
At Middlefield we liaise closely with a wide range of outside agencies such as:
Educational Psychologist
Speech and language Therapy
Outreach Support
SENISS (Special Educational Needs Inclusion Support Service)
Health and Social Services
School’s Family Support Service
Occupational Therapy
Educational Welfare Officer
SEN Consortia
Local G.Ps
Early Help Assessment Team
Personalised Plans
The SENCo liaises with each agency to review the programme in place for individual pupils. The specialist advice will be incorporated into a child’s One Page Profile where strategies and resources to use to support a child are recorded.
By carefully addressing individual needs we aim to ensure that every child at Middlefield is given every opportunity to achieve their full potential.