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Middlefield Community Primary School


Community Primary School

Our Governors

Middlefield Community Primary School - Governing Body

Role Name
Head Teacher David Potter
Chair of Governors
(LA Governor)
Roland Berndt
Community Governor Phoebe Wright 

Michelle Griffiths

Julie McCann


Parent Governors

Ian Smith

Dr Michael Walsh

Michelle Pearson

Staff Governor Lauren Beresford
Clerk to the Governing Body Philomena Berndt

Roles and Responsibilities

Role Name

Michelle Pearson
Phoebe Wright
Lauren Beresford



Roland Berndt
David Potter

Michelle Griffiths

Dr Michael Walsh

Inclusion (Safeguarding and SEND)

Julie McCann

Ian Smith


All of our Governors are contactable via the school office on 0151 486 4106 or by writing to them directly c/o Mrs Berndt